How Remanufacturing is Impacting the Steel Industry


How Remanufacturing is Impacting the Steel Industry

Steel manufacturing has been a lucrative and ever-growing business for decades. With the advent of industrialisation, steel manufacturers have seen an increasing rise in demand for their products. As a result of the increased demand, most manufacturers have started to produce more and more steel each and every day. It is a versatile product, and a number of people are finding new ways to use this metal in a variety of places.


Typically, steel can be used by the following industries in smaller or larger quantities:

  • Construction 
  • Transportation 
  • Electricity
  • Agriculture
  • Oil and Gas
  • Machinery Production 
  • Catering 
  • Packaging 

Most people do not realise how important steel is in our day-to-day lives. Having steel on hand, available to us for use, has been possible because of the exponential interest of people in establishing themselves as steel manufacturers. The steel industry is incredibly important to the overall well-being of the nation. Having a well-established steel industry leads to a number of benefits, some of them include:


  • Increase in Economic Impact: Steel industries have been an imperative contributor towards a nation’s overall economy. 
  • The evolution of Infrastructure: Having an established steel industry in the nation allows the nation’s infrastructure to develop and prosper. 
  • Manufacturing Industry: Steel is also used in the manufacturing industry – no matter what type of manufacturing it is. 
  • Increasing Sustainable Development: The steel industry can also help establish and build infrastructures that help in the formation of a sustainable future.
  • Helping People in Building Houses: Steel is also an important component when it comes to building houses. It makes the construction aspect cheaper to afford, therefore helping to protect a number of families. 

Remanufacturing is effectively and essentially a process through which one can restore the capacity and capabilities of steel to a new-like condition. It has transformed the manner in which the steel industry ideally operates. The process helps in elongating the life of a product by effectively replacing the parts and maintaining the same level of performance for a number of different products. 


Remanufacturing also means that the steel industry is not always producing new steel, therefore not only preserving a number of natural resources but also ensuring that there is not an excessive amount of steel that ends up in a variety of landfills. The process of remanufacturing is, therefore, a process of working towards a sustainable environment and future. 


The steel industry has started incorporating various methods that involve and promote the remanufacturing of steel in order to help enhance and establish a cycle of consumption that is far more sustainable than overusing natural resources in order to manufacture new steel. However, the incorporation depends on the industry – in the automotive sector, it is a well-established practice, while in other industries, remanufacturing will find its way. 

B.K. Steel Company has been a leading manufacturer of steel in the country. We have also incorporated the process and procedure of remanufacturing steel. We offer quality and excellence while maintaining reliability standards at affordable rates. For any of your steel needs, contact B. K. Steel Company.


Measures to Set Up a Established Steel Company

As the demand for steel is increasing, more and more steel industries are being set up, which increases the competition for the previous manufacturers. The new steel companies that are being established use enhanced technology equipment, which is why their supplying and manufacturing options are much faster than the previous ones. However, BK Steel Company is a prominent steel supplier that has effective market strategies and methods. Steel manufacturers also face some challenges when meeting customers’ demands. There are some factors that a company needs to follow to build an established steel company:- 

  • As we know, there are a number of famous steel companies, and the purpose of all of those companies is to make an efficient network that will help them get an easy buyer for their steel. One of the challenges involved in building connections is the change in the market prices of raw materials. With the change in prices, there are so many changes and adjustments that we need to make before buying the steel. This is crucial for maintaining growth in the fast-paced steel business.
  • Steel manufacturers find it difficult to keep up the steel supply chain with the changing trends. Keeping in mind the global complexities, we need to emphasise sustainable trends. We should adapt to these sustainable trends because these practices are well aligned with the standards and expectations of environmentally conscious consumers. It could assist us in setting a long-term success strategy by balancing between economic growth and eco-friendly practices.
  • The industrial prowess and suitable location are essential for increasing the demand for steel companies. This is an efficient way to increase the company’s supply chain demand. We always follow the strategies that are beneficial for tackling transportation challenges. Our logistics and network help with timely deliveries and competitiveness in the market.
  • It is important to maintain a stable supply chain, and it can be risky if you depend on a single supply chain, considering the volatile material prices and uncertainties. To stay afloat in the intense competition, we need to adopt innovative technology that can boost productivity by reducing the margins of errors.

BK Steel Company has progressed through all the challenges with resilience, innovation, and planning. 

Hindi Steel

H13 टूल स्टील है बहुमुखी क्रोमियम-मोलिब्डेनम हॉट वर्क स्टील

बीके स्टील कम्पनी के यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक शॉर्ट्स वीडियो के माध्यम से यह बताया गया की H13 टूल स्टील एक अनेकों गुणों वाला क्रोमियम-मोलिब्डेनम गर्मी के प्रतिरोध स्टील है, जिसका व्यापक रूप से उपयोग गर्मी के प्रतिरोध और ठन्डे के प्रतिरोध जैसे टूलींग अनुप्रयोगों में किया जाता है | आसान भाषा में बात करें तो H13 टूल स्टील एक गर्म काम वाला उपकरण स्टील है, जिसमें उच्च क्रोमियम माल मौजूद होते है, जो कठोरता, मज़बूती और गर्मी प्रतिरोधक के नाम से भी जाना जाता है | 


यदि आप H13 टूल स्टील के खरीद के लिए बेहतर संस्थान की खोज कर रहे हैं तो बीके स्टील कम्पनी से बेहतर विकल्प और कोई भी नहीं है | यह संस्था स्टील में हर तरह के ग्रेड की निर्माता है, जो पूरे भारत में स्टील के हर ग्रेड के  आपूर्तिकर्ताओं का कार्य करते है | H13 टूल स्टील को लेकर उनका माना भी यही है की यह टूल स्टील बेजोड़ ताकत और स्थायित्व के साथ गर्म टूलींग अनुप्रयोगों में अपना बेहतर प्रदर्शन को दिखता है | इसके साथ ही यह लम्बे समय तक उपकरण जीवनकाल और उच्च तापमान की स्वाभाविकता को झेलने में भी काबिल है |


यदि आप H13 टूल स्टील जैसे प्रदर्शनकारी स्टील की तलाश कर रहे रहे हैं तो इसके लिए आप बीके स्टील कम्पनी से परामर्श कर सकते है | इसलिए आज ही बीके स्टील कम्पनी नामक वेबसाइट पर जाएं और दिए गए नंबरों से संपर्क करें | 

इससे जुड़ी अधिक जानकारी के लिए आप दिए गये लिंक पर क्लिक करें और इस वीडियो को पूरा देखें | 


इसके अलावा आप बीके स्टील कम्पनी नामक यूट्यूब चैनल पर भी विजिट कर सकते है | इस चैनल पर आपको इस विषय संबंधी संपूर्ण जानकारी पर वीडियो प्राप्त हो जाएगी | 

Alloy Steels Steel

जाने क्या है 20 एमएनसीआर5 एलॉय स्टील ?

बी.के. स्टील कंपनी के यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक यूट्यूब शॉर्ट्स में यह बताया गया कि 20 एमएनसीआर5 एलॉय स्टील एक कम मिश्र धातु वाला इंजीनियरिंग सख्त स्टील होता है, जिसका उपयोग उन अनुप्रयोगों या फिर भागों में किया जाता है, जिनमें तनय शक्ति और अच्छे पहनने के प्रतिरोध की ज़रूरत होती है | इस एलॉय स्टील के उपयोग से बक्से, पिस्टल बोल्ट, स्पिंडल, कैमशाफ्ट, गियर, शाफ़्ट और भी ऐसे कई यांत्रिको का निर्माण किया जाता है | 


20 एमएनसीआर5 एलॉय स्टील की खासियत यह भी है की इस स्टेकक का केस-हार्ड भी किया जा सकता है | इस प्रक्रिया के दौरान सबसे पहले स्टील को उच्च तापमान में गर्म किया जाता है, फिर इसके तुरंत बाद इस स्टील को ठंडा कर दिया जाता है, इससे स्टील का सतह काफी सख्त हो जाता है, जबकि अंदर का हिस्सा बाहरी सतह के मुकाबले काफी नरम होता है | इस प्रक्रिया के दौरान बने केस-हार्डनिंग से स्टील की कठोरता पर अधिक नियंत्रण करने के अनुमति प्रदान करती है , ताकि इसके माध्यम से विभिन्न स्तरों को प्राप्त करने के लिए तत्वों के अलग-अलग मात्राओं में जोड़ा सके | 

यदि आप भी ऐसे ही स्टील ग्रेड की तलाश कर रहे है तो आज ही बी.के. स्टील कंपनी नामक वेबसाइट पर जाएं और दिए गए नंबरों से संपर्क करें | यह कंपनी 20 एमएनसीआर5 एलॉय स्टील की निर्माता है | इसके साथ ही यह स्टील के बेहतरीन ग्रेड का निर्माण भी -करती है | बी.के. स्टील कंपनी भारत में इकलौती ऐसी कंपनी है, जो पूरे विश्व भर में बेहतरीन स्टील ग्रेड में  आपूर्तिकर्ताओं का कार्य करती है | 


इससे जुड़ी अधिक जानकारी के लिए दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करें और इस वीडियो को पूरा देखें | इसके अलावा आप बी.के. स्टील कंपनी नामक यूट्यूब चैनल पर भी विजिट कर सकते है | इस चैनल पर इस विषय संबंधी संपूर्ण जानकारी पर वीडियो बनाकर पोस्ट की हुई है |  

Alloy Steels Hindi Steel

EN8 कार्बन एलॉय स्टील क्या है और कौन-कौन अनुप्रयोगों में सबसे ज्यादा किया जाता है उपयोग ?

बीके स्टील कंपनी ने अपने यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक यूट्यूब शॉर्ट्स के माध्यम से यह बताया कि EN 8 कार्बन एलॉय स्टील को इंडस्ट्री में सबसे लोकप्रिय कार्बन स्टील माना जाता है | EN8 स्टील एक बिना मिश्रण वाला मध्यम कार्बन स्टील होता है, जिसका उपयोग उन अनुप्रयोगों में किया जाता है जहाँ हलके कार्बन स्टील के बजाए बेहतर गुणों से भरपूर कार्बन स्टील की आवश्यकता होती है |  इस कार्बन स्टील को इंडक्शन और हार्डनिंग प्रक्रिया द्वारा अच्छे तकनीकों से सतह को  कठोरता और मध्यम पहनने के प्रतिरोध करने के लिए तैयार किया जाता है | आइये जानते है EN8 कार्बन एलॉय स्टील का उपयोग कौन-कौन अनुप्रयोगों में किया जाता है :-  


  • स्वचालित भाग के निर्माण में 
  • कनेक्टिंग रॉड 
  • नट, बोल्ट, स्टड 
  • धुरा, स्पिंडल
  • सामान्य इंजीनियरिंग उपकरणों में


बीके स्टील कंपनी ने यह भी बताया की उनके संस्था कार्बन स्टील के हर ग्रेड में पूरे विश्व भर के बेहतरीन आपूर्तिकर्ताओं में से एक है और साथ ही वह पूरे भारत में हर तरह के कार्बन स्टील का आपूर्ति भी करते है | आपूर्ति करने के दौरान उन्हें इस बात का पता लगा है की  EN8 कार्बन एलॉय स्टील एक सर्वोत्तम मांग वाला अनुप्रयोग है,  जिससे आसानी से हार्डेन और मशीनीकरण किया जा सकता है | 


यदि आप भी EN8 कार्बन एलॉय स्टील की खरीद के लिए बेहतर संस्थान की खोज कर रहे है तो बीके स्टील कंपनी से बेहतर विकल्प और कोई भी नहीं है | इस संस्थान से आपको  EN8 कार्बन एलॉय स्टील  के अलावा और भी ऐसे ही कई प्रकार के कार्बन स्टील प्राप्त हो जायेंगे | इसके साथ ही यह आपको EN8 कार्बन एलॉय स्टील से संबंधित संपूर्ण जानकारी के साथ-साथ सही मार्गदर्शन भी प्रदान कर सकते है | इसलिए आज ही बीके स्टील कंपनी की वेबसाइट पर जाएं और दिए गए नंबरों से संपर्क करें | 

इससे जुड़ी अधिक जानकारी के लिए आप दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक कर इस वीडियो को देखें | इसके अलावा आप बीके स्टील कंपनी नामक यूट्यूब चैनल पर भी जा सकते है | इस चैनल पर आपको इस विषय संबंधी संपूर्ण जानकारी पर वीडियो प्राप्त हो जाएगी |

Cold Work Tool Steels Hindi Metal Steel Tool Steel

जाने क्या है H13 टूल स्टील और कौन-कौन से अनुप्रयोगों में होता है इसका उपयोग ?

बीके स्टील कंपनी ने अपने यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक यूट्यूब शॉर्ट्स के माध्यम से ये बताया की H13 टूल स्टील एक ऐसा प्रीमियम हॉट टूल स्टील है, जिसका व्यापक रूप से सबसे अधिक उपयोग हॉट और कोल्ड वर्क टूलींग वाले अनुप्रयोगों में किया जाता है | H13 स्टील टूल को AISI एलॉय स्टील द्वारा वर्गीकरण प्रणाली समूह में H स्टील के रूप में वर्गीकृत किया गया है | इस स्टील की यह सीरीज H1 से लेकर H19 तक शुरू होती है | आइये जानते है  H13 टूल स्टील की क्या-क्या विशेषताएं है :- 


  • इस स्टील का उपयोग उच्च तापमान और कम तापमान दोनों में प्रतिरोध के लिए किया जाता है | 
  • यह स्टील कठोरता और तनयता में उच्च स्तर होता है |
  • इस स्टील की क्षमता मशीनीकरण और पॉलिश करने में एक सम्मान और उच्च स्तर का होता है |  
  • यह स्टील उच्च तापमान में भी अच्छी ताकत के साथ-साथ थर्मल थकान के प्रतिरोध होता है | 
  • यह स्टील सर्वश्रेष्ठ कठोरीकरण गुणों से भरपूर होता है | 
  • H13 टूल स्टील कठोरीकरण के दौरान बहुत सीमित विरूपण करता है |   


यदि आप भी H13 टूल स्टील की खरीद के लिए बेहतर संस्थान की खोज कर रहे है तो बीके स्टील कंपनी से बेहतर संस्थान और कोई भी नहीं है | इस संस्थान के पास स्टील के हर ग्रेड मौजूद है और यह हर तरह के स्टील टूल की डीलिंग करती है, इसके साथ ही बीके स्टील कंपनी पूरे भारत में स्टील की आपूर्तिकर्ताओं में बेहतरीन कंपनी के नाम से भी जाना जाता है | इसलिए आज ही बीके स्टील कंपनी नामक वेबसाइट पर जाएं और दिए गए नंबरों से संपर्क करें | 


इससे जुड़ी अधिक जानकारी के लिए आप दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करे और इस वीडियो को पूरा देखें | इसके अलावा आप बीके स्टील कंपनी नामक यूट्यूब चैनल पर भी विजिट कर सकते है | इस चैनल पर आपको इस विषय संबंधी संपूर्ण जानकारी पर वीडियो प्राप्त हो जाएगी |   




A Comprehensive Guide To Buy Steel And Steel Related Products In Punjab

If you are in the market hoping to buy best quality steel at competitive prices from a trustable supplier, then you must visit B K STEEL COMPANY, a leading supplier of steel in Punjab established in 1966. It has maintained its position as a leading supplier of steel in India for the past several years.

B K STEEL COMPANY is counted among the best Steel Dealers in Punjab. It is a supplier of well-fabricated, reasonable steel products. They supply various types of steel at affordable prices based on rigorous market analysis.

This organization helps customers who need materials in a very short amount of time while ensuring that the quality of various types of steel is not compromised. Smaller lead time does not affect the quality of their products in the slightest.


BKS is the leading supplier of various types of steel countrywide, valuing their feedback to improve our products and services even more.

Some of the types of steel we supply are:

a)L6 Tool Steel- It is an oil-hardening steel that is used in places where a good combination of hardness, toughness, and wear resistance is required. L6 Tool Steel Punjab is one of the best quality of steel in the market.

b) HIGH-SPEED STEEL (HSS)- HSS is one of the leading varieties of steel used in industries. It is the most commonly used material in cutting tools. The primary materials used in HSS are metal carbide and steel substrate. They can be used at high temperatures like 500 degree Celsius.

Some important properties of HSS:

-High hardness 

-Increased heat resistance

-Increased wear resistance

-Excellent shock absorbent properties

-resistance against chipping.

  c)COLD WORK TOOL STEEL- This is essentially high carbon steel with relatively less alloy elements like tungsten, molybdenum etc added to it. This type of steel is used to make tools to cut or form materials at relatively low temperatures between 200 to 400 degree celsius. They are used to make dyes and cutleries.

Some important properties of cold work tool steel are:

-Withstanding high stress.

– High resistance against wear and tear.

– Great resistance against impact and bending.

d)PLASTIC MOULDING STEEL- This type of steel is very stable against heating. They can be polished easily and effectively. They are used for manufacturing moulds for plastic container making.

Some important properties are:

-High stability against heating

-Good polishability

-High impact strength

-Resistance against wear and tear

e)HOT WORK TOOL STEEL- It is carbon steel alloyed with tungsten, molybdenum, and other elements. The addition of these elements increases the quality of steel. It is used in manufacturing hot work tools, die casting tools, extrusion tools, etc.

Some important properties are:

-Withstanding high abrasion.

-Withstanding high heat

-Withstanding high pressure.

f)ALLOY STEEL- Steel combined with more than one element(e.g., nickel, Vanadium, etc.) to increase strength, hardness, etc.This is used in many leading industries to make machinery.

Some important properties:

-Increased strength


-wear resistance



Using good quality steel is a must in a successful industry. Hence you must buy your supply only from trusted suppliers like B K STEEL COMPANY only. This will ensure that the goods you produce are high quality and best in the market.


Impact Of Rusting On Steel And Its Prevention Tips

Steel is the most commonly manufactured material. It is used in buildings, such as concrete reinforcing rods, bridges, infrastructure, tools, ships, trains, cars, bicycles, machines, electrical appliances, furniture, and weapons. Steel has high tensile strength, durability and low cost. Some metals are prone to corrosion, due to rust, chemicals and moisture, but this blog has discussed several ways to prevent Corrosion. If you want the best steel quality, contact the best steel dealers in India because the better the steel quality, the longer it will last.

Benefits Of Steel

  1. Its benefits include ease of lightweight designs, uniform quality, economy in transportation and handling, and quick and straightforward erection or installation. Steel is the world’s most important engineering and conduction material. 
  2. The advantages of the steel structure include high strength, compact structure, good support performance, and prolonged service life. The benefits of exploring the connection of steel sections include achieving the computed ultimate load and creating highly efficient structural forms.
  3. Steel is used in our electricity power line towers, natural gas pipelines, machine tools, military weapons, etc. Steel has also made a place in our homes to protect our families and make our lives convenient. If you also need steel for solid and durable things, contact India’s best Carbon Steel Suppliers; its benefits are undoubtedly clear. 
  4. Structural steel is the most reused material on our planet. It is made of 88% recycled product, and steel may be fully recyclable in the future and can be reused without further processing.   

Impact On Steel Rusting 

  • Reduced Strength: As steel corrodes, it loses strength. This is especially harmful in the construction industry as weaker structures are unstable and prone to fall. For example, corrosion on steel girders can make the bridge weaker and unsafe.
  • Reduced Ductility: Reduced flexibility can lead to steel breakage, which is harmful again, especially in the construction industry.
  • Decreased Safety: Reduced strength and flexibility mean compromised safety. Corrosion compromises safety in any industry, including the use of steel in automotive, aerospace, marine, construction, food and beverages, home appliances, etc.

Prevention Tips

  • Improving environmental conditions may or may not be in the user’s control. However, the best thing to do is to improve ecological conditions and eliminate steel in contact with the corrosive agent.
  • Painting: Paint is a great way to create a barrier to moisture and make your metal more attractive at the same time. Acrylic and polyester paints are much more durable. They are often found in residential and commercial use alike.
  • Galvanizing: It is a process that coats metals with zinc to prevent them from oxidizing or rusting. 


Steel is a critical raw material used in many industries due to its advantages, such as durability and strength. Steel is prone to corrosion due to chemicals, rust and moisture. There are many ways to prevent steel from corrosion. Contact the best steel dealer in Punjab for the best quality steel.

Steel types of steel

Buy The Best Steel In The Market To Take Your Business To The Next Level.

Steel is truly the backbone of industry around the world. The application of steel is unlimited, from making cookware and utensils to automotive parts to making various tools and moulds for various industries. 

If you are in the market hoping to buy the best quality steel at competitive prices from a trustable supplier, then you must visit the best Steel Dealers in Punjab. Various companies have been supplying the best quality steel to their customers for many decades.

Steel manufacturing companies supply well-fabricated, reasonable steel products. They supply various types of steel at affordable prices based on rigorous market analysis.


Iron and steel are the backbone of industries around the world. There are many reasons why steel is the preferred metal over others in its category.

Low production cost-

 Steel has a low production cost in comparison to other materials of its type. The energy required to extract iron ore is a quarter of what is required in aluminum extraction.

Environment friendly-

Steel is environmentally friendly. It can be recycled over and over again without any discrepancy in its property and quality.


Steel is maybe the only material in the world to be available in so many grades and types, making it the most versatile metal. This results in its usage in a large number of industries.

L6 Tool Steel is an oil-hardening steel that is used in places where a good combination of hardness, toughness, and wear resistance is required. L6 Tool Steel Punjab is one of the best quality steel in the market.


Stainless steel is a versatile and corrosion-resistant material. It is an alloy of iron. It is made through a complex manufacturing process. It is among the most popular metal materials for industrial manufacturing. It can be used to make a host of different types of articles from utensils to cookware to automotive parts to equipment for chemical manufacturing. 

Stainless steel is not just one metal but a category of metals that share similar properties but have their differences as well. Choosing the correct type of stainless steel will improve the performance manifold.

Types of stainless steel

There are mainly five categories of stainless steel:


Austenitic SS is known as having the highest Chromium content and normal Nickel and a lower amount of carbon. And also shows NON-Magnetic nature, and also Austenitic SS are not -heat treatment alloys. Austenitic SS can be cold-worked which is enhancement of hardness and strength and improvement of corrosion Resistance. Austenitic stainless steel is more expensive than ferrite SS but more durable and more Corrosion Resistance than the FSS.


This type of stainless steel contains high levels of chromium and low levels of carbon, which makes it less ductile than austenitic stainless steel but more corrosion resistant. It is commonly used in automotive and appliance applications.


Martensitic steel is achieved by heating until the atoms rearrange, then quenching rapidly to make it stay in that condition. Martensite is harder and more resistant to deformation than Austenite forms of steel, but it is somewhat less resistant to corrosion. Martensitic stainless is used in knives, scalpels, and razor blades.


Duplex stainless steels are so called because their metallurgical structure consists of two phases, austenite and ferrite in roughly equal proportions. They are used for their good mechanical properties 

Precipitation hardened-

Precipitation-hardening stainless steel is known as the strongest stainless steel. These grades are designed to achieve a combination of high strength and corrosion resistance through a process called precipitation hardening.


If you are looking to buy some good quality stainless steel, then you can visit BK Steel Company. You can find the best steel at affordable prices. 


Know About The Debate on Whether HSS and carbide-cutting tools are better.

In the world of machining and metalworking, the choice of cutting tools can significantly influence the process’s quality, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. 

HSS and Carbide cutting tools are two popular contenders in this arena. Each material has its advantages and downside, making it suitable for different applications. You can buy high-quality cutting tools from Steel Dealers in Punjab. 

Let’s dive into a simple comparison of HSS and Carbide to help you make an informed decision. Buying good quality High Speed Steel India is easier than you thought. 


High-Speed Steel (HSS) is a classic and reliable choice for cutting tools. The first HSS tool dates back to the 1930s. It was a huge discovery at the time. It took the cutting industry to a new level. Many industries have used HSS in various machining operations for many decades. We make HSS tools by combining steel with elements like tungsten, which enhance their hardness and heat resistance. Buying High Speed Steel India is easier than it sounds.



If you search the market for these tools, you will find that HSS tools are generally more affordable than Carbide tools, making them an excellent choice for less demanding tasks or when budget constraints concern them. It is also reasonable for beginners to use for practice. 

Shock Resistance: HSS tools can handle impact and vibrations better than Carbide tools, making them suitable for operations where cutting conditions are less stable.

Versatility: HSS tools are excellent for cutting various materials, including steel, aluminum, and non-ferrous metals.


Lower Hardness: HSS tools are weak in hardness. It can lead to more wear and tear, especially with applications in high-heat conditions. 

Low Speed: HSS tools have limitations on cutting speed, especially in high-speed machining operations.

CARBIDE-cutting tools are known for their exceptional hardness and heat resistance, making them ideal for demanding machining tasks. It is an alternative to diamonds. We make Carbide tools from a compound of tungsten carbide and cobalt. Over time the design of the tools improved, and more cobalt was added to increase sturdiness.


High Hardness: Carbide tools are rigid and maintain their edge for extended periods, making them suitable for high-speed machining and tough materials.

Heat Resistance: Carbide tools can withstand high temperatures without losing their cutting edge, making them perfect for applications that generate a lot of heat.

Precision: Carbide tools can provide better accuracy and surface finish due to their hardness and rigidity.


Cost: Carbide tools are generally more expensive upfront, but their longer lifespan and better performance can offset the initial investment.

Brittleness: Carbide tools are brittle than HSS tools and can chip or break under heavy loads or impact.

HSS Tools Are Easier To Sharpen But Require Frequent sharpening

We know carbide tools are sturdier than HSS tools, so that Steel tools will wear faster. If you use HSS tools on harder objects, they will wear faster.

Clean and Smooth finish

Carbide tools give a smooth and clean finish after cutting, which is very important for industries. It makes it better than steel tools.


In conclusion, both HSS and Carbide have their strengths and weaknesses. HSS is versatile and budget-friendly, while Carbide offers superior hardness and heat resistance. You can buy high-grade cutting tools from BK Steel Company. Remember, choosing the right cutting tool can significantly impact your machining efficiency and the quality of your end products.