What are the Differences Between Hot Work Tool Steel and Cold Work Tool Steel?

Tool Steel

What are the Differences Between Hot Work Tool Steel and Cold Work Tool Steel?

Both hot and cold work tool steels have different characteristics, making them suitable for different purposes. Being the best Steel Dealers in Punjab, we deal in steel which our customers use for various objectives. These two types of steel have distinguished features, due to which they command high demand.

We have a list of features and qualities that makes these two steels the best in their purposes, given below:

Hot Work Tool Steel

This type of steel is used to make iron and non-ferrous metals, along with metal tools that maintain their strength even after being exposed to hotter temperatures. 

People use Hot Work Tool Steel India for its high strength, hardness, and thermal stability. Tools like hammers, forging dies, hot extrusion dies, and die-cast dies are made of this steel.

Types of Hot Work Tool Steels

There are three types of hot work tool steel, classified on the basis of their chemical composition given below: 

  1. Chromium Hot Work Tool Steel: Their steel gradings are from H10 to 19. Their carbon composite is about 0.34 to 0.40. Their normal working temperature is below 540 degrees centigrade. Their average working harness is 400 to 600 HV.
  2. Tungsten Hot Work Tool Steel: Their steel grade is from H21 to H26. Their normal working hardness is 450 HV to 600 HV.
  3. Molybdenum Hot Work Tool Steel: Their steel grade numbers are H41, H42, and H43. This type of steel is low in carbon. 

Cold Work Tool Steel

This steel is used to shape or deform metal in cold temperatures. It has high wear resistance, toughness, and cold bite resistance and can soften when heated. People use this type of steel for short-term functions. The presence of tungsten, manganese, chromium, and molybdenum makes this type of steel useful for its purpose. People use this steel for gauges, blanking and forming dies, fixtures, etc.

Operating Temperatures of both the steels

Cold work tool steel can work in temperatures below 100 degrees centigrade. On the other hand, hot work tool steel generally works at temperatures ranging from 350 to 700 degrees Celsius.

Elements in Both Steels

Cold work tool steel has a higher amount of carbon to achieve higher hardenability and wear resistance. Sometimes water-hardening and oil-hardening steels are added to this steel to enhance the hardenability and wear resistance.

Hot work tool steel has more elements to achieve hardness, thermal conductivity, and wear resistance. These elements also help this steel to achieve more oxidation and the ability to withstand higher temperatures.

Many people use these types of steel for various purposes. Some tools made out of these steels have proven quite helpful to us. Their properties and abilities have proven their significance in various industries. But hot steel has the ability to withstand the most brutal temperatures, which makes it more useful. 

We have the best quality steel to offer. Whatever you demand from these steels, you will get the desired result. We sell the best quality steel to the people of Punjab. We have the best experience and knowledge in terms of steel.

Cold Work Tool Steels Hindi Metal Steel Tool Steel

जाने क्या है H13 टूल स्टील और कौन-कौन से अनुप्रयोगों में होता है इसका उपयोग ?

बीके स्टील कंपनी ने अपने यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक यूट्यूब शॉर्ट्स के माध्यम से ये बताया की H13 टूल स्टील एक ऐसा प्रीमियम हॉट टूल स्टील है, जिसका व्यापक रूप से सबसे अधिक उपयोग हॉट और कोल्ड वर्क टूलींग वाले अनुप्रयोगों में किया जाता है | H13 स्टील टूल को AISI एलॉय स्टील द्वारा वर्गीकरण प्रणाली समूह में H स्टील के रूप में वर्गीकृत किया गया है | इस स्टील की यह सीरीज H1 से लेकर H19 तक शुरू होती है | आइये जानते है  H13 टूल स्टील की क्या-क्या विशेषताएं है :- 


  • इस स्टील का उपयोग उच्च तापमान और कम तापमान दोनों में प्रतिरोध के लिए किया जाता है | 
  • यह स्टील कठोरता और तनयता में उच्च स्तर होता है |
  • इस स्टील की क्षमता मशीनीकरण और पॉलिश करने में एक सम्मान और उच्च स्तर का होता है |  
  • यह स्टील उच्च तापमान में भी अच्छी ताकत के साथ-साथ थर्मल थकान के प्रतिरोध होता है | 
  • यह स्टील सर्वश्रेष्ठ कठोरीकरण गुणों से भरपूर होता है | 
  • H13 टूल स्टील कठोरीकरण के दौरान बहुत सीमित विरूपण करता है |   


यदि आप भी H13 टूल स्टील की खरीद के लिए बेहतर संस्थान की खोज कर रहे है तो बीके स्टील कंपनी से बेहतर संस्थान और कोई भी नहीं है | इस संस्थान के पास स्टील के हर ग्रेड मौजूद है और यह हर तरह के स्टील टूल की डीलिंग करती है, इसके साथ ही बीके स्टील कंपनी पूरे भारत में स्टील की आपूर्तिकर्ताओं में बेहतरीन कंपनी के नाम से भी जाना जाता है | इसलिए आज ही बीके स्टील कंपनी नामक वेबसाइट पर जाएं और दिए गए नंबरों से संपर्क करें | 


इससे जुड़ी अधिक जानकारी के लिए आप दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करे और इस वीडियो को पूरा देखें | इसके अलावा आप बीके स्टील कंपनी नामक यूट्यूब चैनल पर भी विजिट कर सकते है | इस चैनल पर आपको इस विषय संबंधी संपूर्ण जानकारी पर वीडियो प्राप्त हो जाएगी |   



Steel Supplier Tool Steel

Everything you need to know about the use of the forged steel

Forged Steel: An important steel choice

Whether you are going to the office, heading back home, taking a stroll in the park, or riding a bus, forged steel gives its existence everywhere. And this is how important the choice is. Through steel forgings, there’s the use of alloying iron and carbon to increase the overall strength & functionality. To seek precise quality, it’s better that you should get in touch with the most experienced and well-known team of the Steel distributor Company in Ludhiana.

Forged steel is the brilliant choice out of all

Steel is referred to as essential for the completion of any project. So, whether you are searching for the 1.2714 Steel or any other quality of steel, you should never make the decision in haste. The forged steel is known for its exceptional benefits, which includes:

  • Extremely highly accurate
  • Known for exceptional tensile
  • Have fatigue strength
  • Advanced grain structure
  • Does not require much surface porosity

If you are confused about which choice to go for, you better get professional assistance soon.

List of properties of forged steel

Forged steel and its properties are just exceptional in all senses. Forging steel means having extremely important properties to boost the end products. The composition includes alloys which include stainless steel and carbon. Due to the same, it leads to offering the benefits like:

  • Exceptional strength in manufacturing
  • Makes it easier to manufacture the industrial and mechanical parts

The overall exceptional properties let everything get handled to complete ease and make a huge difference in the entire state. The availability and strength are the cornerstones to make it work under all possible states. The professionals know the precision and brilliance with which everything should be handled. And if something is not right, then better get it changed on time.

Different types of forged steel

Forged steel includes three different types, which are:

  • Hot forged steel
  • Hardened forged steel
  • Cold forged steel

The total pressure and temperature during the making process vary greatly with all these three different types. To ensure the end product is top-notch and offers premium quality, the steel manufacturing company expertise is what you need. The three types of forging steel & its properties are:

  • Cold forged steel

Requires the temperature to go up to 160-degree celsius. With a low-temperature mark, the overall surface finish is done with perfection.

  • Hot forged steel

The hot forged steel for extreme brilliance requires a temperature between 900-degree celsius to 1300 degree Celsius. The temperature is above crystallization, which allows everything to form properly. Most importantly, the overall stability is much better.

  • Hardened forged steel

The hardened forged steel requires the temperature to stay in the range of 750-degree celsius to 850-degree celsius. At this temperature, the material is versatile, but overall ductility is much less.

Get exceptional service from BK Steel Company

If you are looking to manufacture steel products for your industry, then you better get assistance from professionals of BK Steel Company.

Steel distributor Tool Steel types of steel

Time to make yourself familiar with the different types of steel

Know a more about steel

Steel is one of the most popular construction choices for various engineering materials. Steel is a strong and hard material that comes with the flexibility to be used for various materials. That’s the reason the demand for well-known and reputed Steel distributor Company in Ludhiana is always something to look out for. It’s all about fulfilling the requirements of the business and ensuring the final properties stand out in all possible ways. The right composition and physical properties of the steel are different with every option, so it’s about considering the one that is perfect for your specific requirement. Steel manufacturing, along with carbon and other alloy material, is known for its hardening approach and ensures the dislocation won’t be there. Basically, the steel stands out for its:

  • Hardness
  • Ductility
  • Tensile strength

In combination with everything, it’s the collective approach that makes a huge difference in terms of everything. Steel is strong, versatile, and known for being resilient. It’s even right to say that steel industries are known for boosting overall economic development because of how amazing it is in terms of qualities and ensuring the material can be well used for various factors.

Different types of steel

The steel categories are divided into carbon and alloy steel, considering the different types and options that are available.

Carbon steel

Carbon steel is not contested that much, and there’s the presence of sulfur, silicon, phosphorus, and manganese. Considering the properties and features of the said material, it’s known to have carbon in content amount and only a minor influence in terms of materials. There are further 4 categories of carbon steel:

  • Low carbon steel
  • Medium carbon steel
  • High carbon steel
  • Very high carbon steel

With each category of carbon steel, there are some other features and properties that look simply the best. The increased tensile strength, perfect for welding, acceptable in different welds, and the right control over mechanical properties make it look all interesting & perfect.

Alloy steel

Alloy steel is another solid category of steel that includes the combination of one or more elements considering the ability to have a perfect property and overall intriguing features. In terms of external elements, there are manganese, nickel, silicon, boron, vanadium, molybdenum, and other elements to make the overall features stand out. The alloy steel is further divided into two different categories:

  • Low alloy steel

The low alloy steel requires the right amount of carbon content that’s kept around between 0.25%, and welding requires 0.15%. For the corrosion resistance environment, the said choice is known to make the appropriate one.

  • High alloy steel

High alloy steel contains elements that have a weight of more than 8% and the right classification with carbon & steel. In terms of overall flexibility and reliability, this is something worth considering.


Steel News Steel Supplier Tool Steel

What’s the professional approach to checking the steel reinforcement?

Get an understanding to test the quality of Steel reinforcement

Steel is one of the integral parts of different products and is used to have the finest results. It’s the overall properties combined that make a huge difference to its final state and make sure to offer quality results to the end user. That’s why it’s important to seek assistance from the well-known Steel distributor Company in Ludhiana to fulfill all your necessary demands.

In all this, one of the major things that should not be neglected at any cost is the steel reinforcement to make the desired product outshine and ensure the quality is top-notch.

Simple and effective methods to check the steel reinforcement quality

To have the most simplified and effective approach for the steel reinforcement tactics, the overall quality makes a huge difference. Basically, to test the same, the focus is put on 2 major things:

  • Physical attributes
  • Chemical attributes

When you get hold of the reputed 1.2714 Steel Suppliers, you can discuss the quality of the procedure and the method they use to deliver the right results. To properly check the quality of steel reinforcement, it’s essential to follow all the necessary suggestions mentioned under the Indian Standard code 1786.

Inspection and tests are done to perform a quality check

The right measures and tests are essential parts of making the quality check for the reinforcement get in the appropriate state. There are a few tests and inspection methods that make everything much more manageable & effective.

  • Take a thorough look at the manufacturer’s test certificate

The manufacturer’s certificate allows one to have a better understanding of the necessary properties. With every specific lot, this test certificate is present to let the user make an informed choice.

  • Take a peek at the grade

When you thoroughly seek the manufacturer certificate, it’s important to see the steel grade. Doing so allows us to check whether it’s in the right order or not.

  • Consider the three important features

While checking the quality, it’s imperative to see the brand, bar diameter, and grade

  • Analyze the rust and debris

When you are looking at the steel quality reinforcement, it’s better to analyze the rust and debris present on the same. Make sure there’s no presence of any kind of unwanted material or subject on the steel surface. Although, a very tiny amount of rust is okay.

Tests performed to check the quality of steel reinforcement

There are different tests that are performed to better understand the overall quality and whether the product delivered is in the appropriate state or not. The required test to see whether the quality parameters are in the appropriate state or not are:

  • Check for mass per meter run

To test the same, it’s important to have at least 4 bars and then check whether the values are according to the required state or not.

  • Bend and rebend test

Bend and rebend tests help to check the overall quality and state of the bar are appropriate.

Alloy Steels Steel Supplier Tool Steel

Experts Explain The Differences Between The 4 Types Of Steel

People generally found out how to work with iron almost 6,000 years ago. However, it would not be much to say that it was not until a few thousand years later that iron became a common component. And people started using iron in its most crucial role: the production of steel.

People generally use steel for electrical or mechanical applications. Besides that, they also used it for kitchen appliances, tools, and heavy construction equipment. In short, it has many uses. If you want one, you can contact a Steel distributor Company in Ludhiana.

What Is Steel?

It is an iron alloy, which is composed of iron and a combination of one or more alloying metals. It helps the manufacturer and distributor to produce new materials with unique components.

There are technically four categories; however, there are also many subgroups that serve several purposes. Based on which elements you mix the iron, there is a change in the properties. Besides that, the methods you use to cool and heat the metal also decide the change in properties.

In this blog, we have further delved into different types of steel and their purposes.

At BK Steel company, you will get various types of steel, including AISI D2 Cold Work Tool Steel, for any purpose.

Different Types of Steel And Its Uses

We categorize steel by its compositions. The manufacturer infuses iron with carbon and other elements to attain a specific end. The four main types of steel are:

  1. Carbon steel
  2. Alloy steel
  3. Stainless steel
  4. Tool steel
  • Carbon steel

Did you know that all steel contains carbon in them? However, the specific carbon steel is unique for the notable absence of any other components in its making. Also, you should know that it only contains 2% carbon or less if measured by weight. But its element nature makes carbon steel a stronger and more durable material that you can use for various uses.

  • Alloy Steel

The manufacturer infuses iron with one or many other elements in the iron-type steel. Each of the components contributes its own unique characteristics to the final item. It is a fact that almost all steel has an alloy in them. However, chromium and carbon are particular alloys that people attribute to the names of the type of metal they have formed.

  • Stainless steel

Stainless steel is very common and popular for its unique role in the manufacturing of medical appliances and equipment. But you should know that its use does not limit to the gas in your kitchen. People use it for various other reasons. With the help of chromium alloy, they can set the stainless steel apart, lending the material its distinctive luster.

  • Tool steel

Tool steel is very clear and up-front about its uses. The manufacturer uses tool steel to tool manufacturing machinery. With the help of tempering, a technique of adding high-temperature heat, cooling it further, and then heating it again, the tool steel becomes very hard and even heat-resistant. In most cases, people use tool steel in high-impact environments as they are very abrasive.


Steel Supplier Tool Steel

Steel That Manufacturing Company Uses For Plastic Injection Mold

What Is Plastic Injection Molding?

The most effective and innovative manufacturing process is indeed plastic injection molding. It provides the best and most efficient products across all industries like no other.

With its manufacturing efficiency, the Best Steel distributor Company in Ludhiana is able to produce premium quality plastic products in a significantly less amount of time. And that too without compromising on the quality.

Just at the center of plastic manufacturing, there is a thing called plastic injection mold. This helps curate plastic products when the experts inject molten plastic into them.

These molds are wonderful in order to design and craft them to take the shape of various plastic products and also to withstand the rigors of mass production.

It also makes the AISI P20 Steel Punjab a perfect option for the manufacturer to choose in plastic manufacturing. The reason behind this is the positive qualities that make it highly durable and temperature resistant, making it the best product. 

What Are The Types Of Steel The Curator Uses For Plastic Injection Molding?

These are some of the most common types of steel that the company usually uses for plastic injection molding.

  1. P-20 (Class 4 and 5)
  2. 420 Stainless Steel (Class 1 and 2)
  3. H-13 (Class 1 and 2)
  4. S136H (Class 3)
  5. 718H (Class 3) 

What Are The Classes Of Plastic Injection Mold?

You can easily divide plastic injection mold into different classes. And each class needs different types of steel in order to manufacture products efficiently. Apart from that, it also allows the growth of different types of steel products. In short, it implies that each steel kind can handle the several demands of manufacturing.

We have listed down the classes of plastic injection molds that the experts use in the plastic injection molding industry. 

  • Class 1 and 2

For higher durability, most of the time, people generally use class 1 and 2 plastic injection mold that needs mold steel. People do not use other steel types as they might crack under immense pressure. They also require a high heat resistance material as the company subjects the molds to extreme temperatures at the time of the manufacturing process. All these qualities are why class 1 and 2 types of plastic injection mold have become an excellent option for mass-production purposes. 

  • Class 3

Class 3 requires steel molds that the manufacturing company has already pre-hardened. This process makes it durable enough to withstand the rogers of manufacturing. The company normally uses pre-hardened steel as a general-purpose steel. Besides that, it is also the most popular steel molding tool. 

  • Class 4 and 5

Classes 4 and 5 are just another set of classes that use the general purpose steel. The manufacturing company mainly uses classes 4 and 5 in order to create cavities in the molding base. The company also uses some steel types in this class to make the mold with just enough requirements. Hence making it inexpensive and also easy to replace and maintain. 

Tool Steel

Tool steel: Most flexible and economical steel offering better production

Tool Steel: Steel that offers greater flexibility

Steel is one of the most OK categories of material, offering better composition and standing out in terms of production. The steel tool has gained so much value in the steel industry that no other material could stand out in its position. The blog will help you understand the tool steel and its effectiveness in the steel industry.

Tool steel

Tool steel is perfect for hardness, toughness, and wear-resistant alloys. The properties are the perfect combination of chemistry and its production. To get the best Hot Work Tool Steel in Punjab, it’s essential to select the most well-known team of steel distributors who can serve the quality material. By doing so, it will be easier to opt for something easy to:

  • Cut
  • Grind
  • Drill
  • Punch
  • Strike
  • Getting other tough jobs done

The tool steel is best in terms of getting work done for all sorts of applications, and its ability to stand out in terms of resistance.

That’s not all; the tool steel is the finest alloying element that allows appropriate production of carbides. It’s one of the most densely packed metals with the right amount of carbon and metal. The appropriate chemistry of tool steel is reliable enough to make it appropriate for heat treatment and quenching.

Method of hardening for steel tool through quenching

Quenching is the finest means of steel hardening with its right change in microstructure. First steel with proper heat and right temperature maintenance with the carbon mix. So, it’s like the overall chemistry of the steel tool is the biggest factor in making it offer what’s best and reliable.

Moreover, quenching is vital for freezing metal with the right amount of crystal grains. Additionally, there’s a factor of slow cooling with the right circular blooms, ensuring the metal doesn’t break at any cost. Additionally, shock freezing is the prime factor of the most appropriate molecular structure on all levels with appropriate hardness.

Different categories of tool steel

There are different possible categories of tool steel:

  • Water-hardened

The steel group that comes with carbon steel offers the right heat treatment. Additionally, the carbon levels fall between 0.5% to 1.5%. Reliable metal is the biggest factor in offering the best against lighter-duty applications like small fasteners and springs.

  • Cold work steel tool

Another reliable category is cold work steel tools that can stand easily in cold temperatures. Moreover, these are known for their toughness, hardness, and wear-resistant qualities to make them stand out in a hot environment. Therefore, these are reliable for different situations. The category further includes:

    • Oil hardening
    • Air hardening
    • High carbon chromium
  • Hot work tool steel

Hot work tool steel is perfect for alloying elements for creating carbides and hot working temperatures. In terms of group and right temperature, these stand out for the right level of low carbon percentage. Additionally, its various subcategories are:

    • Chromium
    • Tungsten
    • Molybdenum
  • High-speed tool steel

The high-speed tool steel offers a greater amount of production process. Additionally, it is easy to run at high speed with the right amount of friction and a better production rate. The edge-cutting technology and combination of various elements like:

  • 3% to 5% chromium
  • 14% to 18% tungsten
  • 6% carbon

The tool steel is even more reliable for shock resistance and can easily handle other impacts with greater force.

Tool Steel

What differentiates Cold-formed stainless steel from hot-formed stainless steel?

When we talk about hot and cold formed stainless steel, a question in our mind is, Is there any chemical that creates the difference between cold and hot formed stainless steel? Most stainless steel materials developed after melting in an EAF (Electric Arc Furnace) in the 1970s. After melting the stainless steel, it turns into a VOD (Vacuum Oxygen Decarburisation) vessel or rarely into an AOD (Argon Oxygen Decarburisation) vessel. This process manages all the impurities, such as carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, sulfur, etcetera, that may build oxide precipitates. You can refine critical applications, for instance, precipitation hardening alloys and aerospace, but this is a smaller market.

Difference between Cold and hot-formed stainless steel

Chemistry: The introductory chemistry of a particular grade of stainless steel is the same regardless of later it turns into any subsequent shape such as cold or hot rolled or cold drawn shape and hot forged or simple cast. Compared to its base material, stainless steel contains more silicon and chromium. Although cast products become stress-free, their microstructure is dendritic to maintain the required difference between the final bulk solidification and the early solidifying dendrites.

Cold formed: Cold-rolled flare products are unique because they begin at room temperature and have a dimpled surface and finish with thinner material. You may feel astonishing when you see how much it will flatten (turn into quite a slim shape). The increase in strength with hard work can be substantial, especially in delicate materials, as the hard work increase can enhance the power of the full depth. To exemplify, the table from ASTM A666 data shows the substantial change in mechanical properties for 304 from annealed to half hard, i.e., half the absolute maximum possible strength – which would have negligible ductility. Visit the firm of best Cold Work Tool Steel in India to get robust quality products.

Moreover, cold work tool styles are sometimes referred to as high carbon steel consisting of manganese, molybdenum, tungsten, and chromium. As a result, these are hardened and stable by nature. There are three different forms of cold work tool steel as given below:

  • Oil-hardening steel.

  • Air-hardening steels.

  • High-chromium, high-carbon steels.

Hot formed: The development of hot-formed stainless steel is an effortless and straightforward procedure. The molten metal is transferred into the cooled continuous caster from the AOD to create the horizontal slabs from this molten base. This caster is a shield with a black oxide scale made from a chromium layer beneath the weld tints. After that, the sheet is laid down on the surface to maintain its size. Then it is again sent into the furnace to create hot rolling, plate, or coil as the product form. It is also refined to decline its internal stress for annealing above 1000oC.

Alloy steel is prepared with the mixture of two elements (iron and carbon structure) that together extract increased strength, wear resistance, toughness, and hardness. If you want to explore more about the alloy steel material, come to the place of Alloy Steel India. It is conducive to:

  • Enhanced corrosion resistance.

  • Superior strength and hardness.

  • Increased hardenability.

Tool Steel

Guide to 3 topmost considerations for selecting tool grade steel

Are you in search of tool-grade steel?

B.K. Steel Company is one of the known steel suppliers and stockists giving services all around India. Now, if you are looking for a steel grade tool for the first time, it makes you wonder what properties or considerations the final choice should be made. As one of the leading suppliers in India, our key motive is to ensure everyone seeks the necessary product. To make their business work all-effectively. The blog is dedicated to enlightening you about the fact, ‘What to consider when you buy tool grade steel?’

3 things to consider while purchasing tool steel grade

  • The foremost factor is to analyze all about necessary specifications to make the work precisely manageable and ensure the business gets what they are looking for.
  • Considering if the product got damaged earlier or what sort of functionality has it offered for work to be done in the most acceptable way possible.
  • Every business has its own choice as to what makes its project function appropriately. Considering cost-benefit analysis is beneficial in the long run and allows every business to work under a set direction.

Are you in doubt about which option to go for?

Don’t bother yourself with searching over and over again. Reach out to the professional team of steep suppliers in India who have been doing the business for the last so many years. For any further information, reach out to our team.